Friday 3 May 2024

The current language file of Dropfiles

The current language file of DropfilesDropfiles uses a special method to translate the constants used. Therefore, no use is made of the language files that are common in Joomla.
Of course, it is wise to use the most current view of a language file.

How does it work ?

  1. Log in to the backendChoose Components -> Dropfiles
  2. Choose right: Options
  3. Choose right Translations
  4. Check if the most recent language file is installed
  5. If necessary, press the Install or Update button and do not forget to save your updated language file.

NB: The language file is not on your server but on the server of the developer Joomunited.

Kies optiesChoose Options

Kies TranslationsChoose Translations

Het signaalA possible signal

Bewaar uw nieuwe taalbestandSave your new language file